Imagine a session customized just for you …
…with a live sound immersion and relaxation session to support your unique healing process
…Or an assisted restorative stretch & breathwork session that allows you to feel EASE and PEACE in your body
…to explore a meditation style that helps with your anxiety and you actually enjoy doing?
…or guided practices that help you feel present , grounded , clear and connected, so you can feel like yourself again?
…Or an embodied conversation about how to create more boundaries in your life so you can actually do what you want and not feel so guilty or resentful?
Prioritize self-care YOUR way!
What would a session look like?
I personalize the sessions to fit your needs, and can include a combination of the following:
Meditation made EASE-y: It doesn’t have to be hard and you don’t have to make your mind go blank! There are so many different ways to receive the benefits of meditation and together we will find the right style and pace to fit you.
Vocal Toning
A powerful breath and voice practice to help you express yourself, speak your truth and unleash your creativity using the healing power of your voice.
Restorative Yoga & Thai Yoga ( assisted stretch )
Slower, mindful and supportive postures that help to regulate the nervous system, balance the immune system & support trauma recovery.
Sound Immersion
A sonic journey that can be experienced alone or in tandem with the above modalities.
Energy Medicine & Self-Massage techniques
Simple yet powerful practices to help you activate your inner healer when you need it most.
Heart Matters: Create powerful connections, optimize your productivity & communication through emotional resilience using Heart Math techniques
Sound Body Sound Life: explore the science and the Art of Healing sound
Bodylight Wellness does not diagnose or prescribe for any illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder. We recognize that healing occurs by creating the optimal conditions for the human body's natural and innate capacity for healing & self regeneration.
© Body Light Shine Wellness